영 할리우드 트레이시 베어 & 제프 벤자민
Having fun backstage at @kconusa with @JYPETWICE! You girls are the cutest thanks for chatting with us and slaying the stage last night at #KCon!! 💕😍🙌 #Twice @TracyBehr #staytuned pic.twitter.com/0QOaZ8Eiic
— YOUNG HOLLYWOOD (@younghollywood) 2018년 8월 12일
Twice the fun backstage with @JYPETWICE at #Kcon! Loved chatting with you girls and watching you slay on stage!! Amazing show! 💕💕😍 @younghollywood pic.twitter.com/JnMgaBGPU3
— Tracy Behr (@TracyBehr) 2018년 8월 12일
Always so wonderful seeing @JYPETWICE, this time backstage at @kconusa. These women work so hard, were doing interview after interview and met me (their last interview of the night) with warm smiles and remembering our past meetings. Thank you, TWICE. pic.twitter.com/EIrxMYEFqo
— Jeff Benjamin (@Jeff__Benjamin) 2018년 8월 12일
Also here's a behind-the-scenes preview of what will be our third #JeffBenjaminSelfie together. Look out for @JYPETWICE on @TeenVogue very soon, #Once! pic.twitter.com/6fbjYNZOAq
— Jeff Benjamin (@Jeff__Benjamin) 2018년 8월 12일
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